Monday, November 30, 2015

The Persuasive Art Life

Artistic World

Should art be a required subject for all children in schools?
            Do you ever think of how unique and helpful art classes have become in children’s creativity and artistic skills during the past years? Well many kids during middle school and high school are looking forward to become artist. A lot more students never notice how talented they are until later on when they are grown up teens. A few of many reasons why kids don’t develop the Picasso inside them. First, because many kids do not have a specific art class while they are in middle school that can help them to be patient and passive instead of aggressive. Also the absence of constant flow of creativity will make kids miss the multiple perspective of life. I believe that an art class should be a requirement subject for kids to be able to move on to high school. As well for high school students to graduate and be able to move on to a better education in college.
            Art classes are not just drawing or painting. An introductory class of art is an educational class where students will learn importance of art documents in behavior and control in their personality. The reason why art classes should implied to kids while they are in middle school and high school is because art has been part of a peaceful and very entertaining therapy since human’s medicine development. Many articles are taking stand on this creativity topic because many kids are showing aggressive behavior on field of patient when their problems are not solved. Children in high schools are turning their personality to a non-sentimental individuals with low capacity of solving complicated problems and a lack smooth attitude.
            The second reason why art should be a requirement in school. It is because an art class will give kids perspective and learning methods. Once children and teenagers participate in art classes in general. They will show improvement on problem solving, perspective, and analysis of information. These improvement will be done thanks to art appreciation. In this case with the kid will simulate scenarios where his imagination and feelings will be used causing them to release stress and mold their mood of enjoyment. Other way art will support the student with analysis of information will be by categorizing paintings and restate them as an understandable wording for their brain.
Generally speaking, these two points above are my most important statements of why art classes should be a requirement. Kids and teenagers are showing improvement on stable behavior thanks to an art class occupation. This classes are not just to maintain the student busy and mold their personality but also to give kids and teenagers a solid mental balance when problems arrive. So why not signing in for an art class? Uh?    


  1. Yes Kevin I think I am going to register for Art in my next semester.

  2. Kevin, I agree with you that it's very unfortunate that art is not always a required subject in our schools. My son, as you know, is a senior in high school and he will graduate in May without ever having taken an art class during his high school career. I know that he is very creative at heart, but I am sad that he has not had more opportunities to foster this aspect of his development in school. Hopefully he will remedy this by taking an art class when he gets to college.

  3. Hi Kevin, I am interested in my art class in this semester. I learn many things that I never know before. Thanks your topic, Kevin!

  4. .Thanks Kevin for sharing this information with us. Before reading your essay I thought that art class was only drawing or painting.

  5. Absolutely right! Art must be as part of the school education.

  6. Thank for sharing information Kevin! You are the best! And I love the picture by the way.

  7. Art should definitly be thought to children at school. The imagery and forms of it is fascinating

  8. Kevin, my daughter is taking a drawing class now, but she is still aggressive to me. I can not imagine how she can be more aggressive if she did not take the art class.

  9. nice essay with nice topic. thanks for sharing that topic during this semester.

  10. You are right vato, art must be part of our lifes and schools
